Who can become a member of CSA?

Regular member of the Association can become any citizen of the Republic of Croatia who has completed undergraduate studies in sociology, and graduated with a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or doctorate in the field of sociology

For students - any citizen of the Republic of Croatia who studies undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate studies in sociology in the Republic of Croatia can become a member of the Association

A person who is not a citizen of the Republic of Croatia and who is a sociology student, or who has a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or doctorate in the field of sociology, can become an associate member of the Association

What are the Benefits of CSA Membership?

  • Subscription to the journal Croatian Sociological Review
  • Discount on the subscription to the magazines Polemos (6 €) and Social Ecology (6 €)
  • Favorable conditions for participation in congresses organized by ISA and ESA
  • Reports on the Association's activities, as well as invitations to conferences, round tables, lectures, forums, and other events organized by the CSA


The amount of the annual membership fee for the following categories of membership:

  • pridruženi članice/ovi – 60 €
  • zaposleni redovni članice/ovi – 50 €
  • članice/ovi zaposleni u srednjim školama – 30 €
  • članice/ovi na roditeljskom dopustu – 20 €
  • umirovljenice/i – 15 €
  • nezaposleni redovni članice/ovi – 10 €
  • studenti/ce – 10 €
  • Surcharge for subscription to Polemos or Social Ecology: + €6

If you are interested in becoming a member of CSA or renewing your membership, click on the link:

OBAVEZNO je ispuniti obrazac za upis/obnovu članstva.

Please fill out the form carefully and completely, because according to the Law on Associations, Article 12, your application must contain your full name, year of birth, and Identification Number, while the other information serves to maintain the membership database and facilitate communication between members and the presidency of CSA, and members among themselves.

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