Poziv na javno predavanje: Dr. Steffen Roth “Futures of a Distributed Memory. A Global Brain Wave Measurement (1800-2000)” Zagreb, ponedjeljak 18. 9. 2017. u 15.00h

Iznimno nam je zadovoljstvo uputiti Vam pozivnu notu na javno predavanje koje će u suorganizaciji Sekcije za teorijsku sociologiju Hrvatskoga sociološkog društva i Odsjeka za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pod naslovom „Futures of a Distributed Memory. A Global Brain Wave Measurement (1800-2000)“ održati dr. Steffen Roth (La Rochelle Business School (Francuska) / Yerevan State University (Armenija)). Naznačeno predavanje uz, dakako, popratnu diskusiju će se održati u ponedjeljak 18. 9. 2017. u 15.00h u konferencijskoj dvorani knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (I. Lučića 3, Zagreb)

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Dr. sc. Krešimir Žažar, voditelj Sekcije za teorijsku sociologiju HSD-a


If the global brain is a suitable model of the future information society, then one future of research in this global brain will be in its past, which is its distributed memory. In this paper, we draw on Francis Heylighen, Marta Lenartowicz, and Niklas Luhmann to show that future research in this global brain will have to reclaim classical theories of social differentiation in general and theories of functional differentiation in particular to develop higher resolution images of this brain’s function and sub-functions. This claim is corroborated by a brain wave measurement of a considerable section of the global brain. We used the Google Ngram Viewer, an online graphing tool which charts annual counts of words or sentences as found in the largest available corpus of digitalized books, to analyse word frequency time-series plots of key concepts of social differentiation in the English as well as in the Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Italian sub-corpora between 1800 and 2000. The results of this socioencephalography suggest that the global brain’s memory recalls distinct and not yet fully conscious biases to particular sub-functions, which are furthermore not in line with popular trend statements and self-descriptions of modern societies. We speculate that an increasingly intelligent global brain will start to critically reflect upon these biases and learn how to anticipate or even design its own desired futures.


Steffen Roth is Associate Professor of Strategic Management at La Rochelle Business School and Professor of Sociology at Yerevan State University. Sociologist by training, he holds a PhD in economics and management from Chemnitz University of Technology (2010) and a PhD in sociology from University of Geneva (2013).

He has been Assistant Professor of Management and Organisation at Rennes School of Business (2012-2016) as well as Visiting Professor of Management and Organisation at International University of Rabat (2012-2017).

His primary research focus is on social differentiation in general and functional differentiation in particular. He is therefore constantly navigating social borders and busy showing that the difference between politics, economy, art, science, religion, and further function systems makes the big difference in modern societies.

In his articles, he and his co-authors from academia, United Nations, or KPMG demonstrate how the strategic management of functional differentiation a) leads to the discovery of new business models, b) facilitates the re-design of popular strategic management tools, c) cancels popular value discourses, or d) allows for fresh and alternative descriptions of modern society. His research was published or accepted by journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Futures, International Journal of Technology Management, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Games and Culture, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, or Journal of Economic Issues.

He is Associate Editor of the CABS-listed and SCI-indexed journal Kybernetes, member of the Editorial Board of Cybernetics and Human Knowing, and has been Guest Editor of special issues in journals such as Creativity and Innovation Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, and Systems Research and Behavioral Science.

Please see https://steffen-roth.ch for further information as well as download links to most of his publications (see box top right then “publications).

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