Timeline of main events in Croatian sociology, with an emphasis on the historical development of the Croatian Sociological Association
2006 A branch of the Croatian Sociological Association was founded in Split.
2005 Department of Sociology is established in Split, at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Split.
2005 Croatian Sociological Association and the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, in partnership with the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, organize the 28th world conference for sociologists of religion titled “Religion and Society: Challenging Boundaries.”
2002 Sociology Students’ Club Anomie is established at the University Centre for Croatian Studies (Hrvatski studiji), University of Zagreb.
2001 Sociology Students’ Club Discrepancy publishes the first issue of the students’ journal for social sciences and humanities Discrepancy and initiates the founding of the European Sociology Students’ Association that was formally established in 2003 as a network of sociology students and their associations in Europe.
2001 Croatian Sociological Review Edition changes its name into Sociological Edition /Sociološka biblioteka/ which is published jointly by the Croatian Sociological Association and the publishing house Jesenski i Turk.
1998 Croatian Sociological Association, in cooperation with the publishing house Jesenski i Turk, launches the journal of interdisciplinary research on war and peace Polemos.
1996 Department of Sociology is established at the University Centre for Croatian Studies (Hrvatski studiji), University of Zagreb.
1994 Faculty of Law started publishing a new journal Journal of Social Policy /Revija za socijalnu politiku/.
1994 The journal Social Ecology and the Croatian Sociological Association establish the new book edition Development and Environment /Razvoj i okoliš/
1992 Institute for applied Social Research started publishing a new journal Social Research /Društvena istraživanja/.
1992 Institute for Sociological Research at the Department of Sociology in Zagreb started publishing a new journal Social Ecology /Socijalna ekologija/ that is published today in cooperation with the Croatian Sociological Association.
1992 Croatian Sociological Society /Sociološko društvo Hrvatske/ changes its name into the Croatian Sociological Association /Hrvatsko sociološko društvo (HSD)/ and, shortly after, becomes a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
1991 Institute for Applied Social Research /Institut za primijenjena društvena istraživanja/ was established, from 1997 Institute for Social Research Ivo Pilar /Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar/.
1991 Croatian Sociological Society withdrew from the Yugoslav Sociological Association.
1988 Sociology Students’ Club Discrepancy (KSSD) is established at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
1986 Croatian Sociological Review Edition /Biblioteka Revije za sociologiju / is launched.
1985 Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Studies launches the journal Migration Themes (Migracijske teme), from 2001. Migration and Ethnic Studies /Migracijske i etničke teme/.
1984 Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Studies /Centra za istraživanje migracija i narodnosti/ was established, which soon became the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University of Zagreb /Institut za migracije i narodnosti/.
1984 IDIS and the Institute for Sociological Research at the Department of Sociology in Zagreb conduct the first study of overall social structure of Croatia.
1977 By dissociating from the Department of Philosophy, Department of Sociology is established at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar (University of Split).
1972 Zavod za sociologiju /Institute for Sociological Research/ is established at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
1971 First issue of the Croatian Sociological Review /Revija za sociologiju/, official journal of the Croatian Sociological Association, is published.
1970 The first Bibliography of Sociological Work published in Yugoslavia in the period from 1959-1969 /Bibliografija socioloških radova objavljenih u Jugoslaviji u periodu 1959-1969/ by Zlatko Gašparović was published.
1967 Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb establishes the first postgraduate program in sociology in Croatia.
1965 First doctoral thesis is defended at the Department of Sociology in Zagreb.
1964 First volume of the edition Sociological Chrestomathy /Sociološka hrestomatija/ is published (Rudi Supek, ed.).
1964 Institute for Sociological Research was established, but soon it changes its name into the Institute for Social Research of the University of Zagreb /Institut za društvena istraživanja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (IDIS)/.
1964/1965 Library of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb is established.
1963 The journal Rural Sociology /Sociologija sela/ is founded.
1963 Publisher Školska knjiga published Supek’s Sociology /Sociologija/, the first textbook in sociology for high schools (gymnasiums).
1963 Rudi Supek (1913-1993) dissociates the Chair of Sociology from the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and establishes the Department of Sociology, first one in Croatia.
1959 Under the auspices of the Institute for Social Administration in Zagreb, Croatian Sociological Society /Sociološko društvo Hrvatske/ is established (its first president is Juraj Hrženjak) with about fifty members.
1957 Introduction to Sociology becomes a mandatory course for all the students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
1953 Sociology again becomes a regular course at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zagreb after not having been taught during the period following the Second World War.
1943 Viktor Horvat in Zagreb publishes the first sociological bibliography in Croatian language, and an extensive review of the development of social thought in Croatia in the edited volume Our homeland /Naša domovina/.
1941 Slavoljub Dubić published the book Rural Sociology /Sociologija sela/ in Split.
1941 Dinko Tomašić publishes the article “Sociology in Yugoslavia” in the American Journal of Sociology with a chapter “Sociology in Croatia”. He refers to Antun Radić and Milan Šufflay as the main representatives of sociology in its early phase in Croatia.
1938 Ivan Esih, author and translator, writes the first Croatian-authored review of the emergence and development of sociology among Croatians published as a special edition of the Sociological Review published by the Sociological Seminar of the Masaryk University in Brno in 1938, entitled “Vyvoj a současny stav sociologie v Charvatsku” (in Czech). It was also published under the heading “Development of sociology among Croatians” /”Razvitak sociologije kod Hrvata”/ in the edited volume Pedagogical Yugoslavia 1918-1938 (in Cyrillic) /Pedagoška Jugoslavija 1918-1938/ within the chapter “Development of sociology in Yugoslavia from 1918-1938” /”Razvitak sociologije u Jugoslaviji 1918-1938″/ in Belgrade in 1939.
1937 Vera Erlich starts the first social-psychological study called The Family in Transformation /Porodica u transformaciji/.
1936 The first volume of the book How the Folk Lives /Kako živi narod/ is published, authored by Rudolf Bičanić (1905-1968) including results of the first sociological survey in Croatia.
1935 Dinko Tomašić (1902-1975) takes over the Chair of Sociology and Statistics (as it was titled in 1931) at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb.
1934 Academic Philosophical Club /Akademski filozofski klub/ is legally registered as a professional club for philosophical, educational, and psychological groups. Their main goal is to promote and provide introduction to Marxism.
1932 After the death of Ivo Pilar, Sociological Society dies off, the reason being, as reported by Dinko Tomašić, internal political animosities and ideological discrepancies among its members.
1931 Student Sociological Club was established under the auspices of the University of Zagreb (its sponsor was the then dean of the university, Albert Bazala); the Club is active until 1933 when the authorities decide to ban it.
1925 Sociological Society in Zagreb sets up a working group on anthropology that works in the area of craniometrical measurement of children in elementary schools in Zagreb.
1924/1925 Sociological Society in Zagreb organizes its first guest lecture held by Professor Frank Hofman from the University of Saskatoon in Canada.
1924 Ernest Miller translates F. H. Giddings’ book Principles of Sociology (New York, 1896).
1923 Juraj Andrassy publishes the first report on the work of the Sociological Society in Zagreb in the international journal Revue internationale de sociologie (Geneva). In the report, Andrassy writes about the many conferences and lectures organized by the Society and reports that the Society counts 160 members.
1920 By the decree establishing the welfare school, passed by the ban (title of local rulers in Croatia) of Croatia and Slavonia, dated December 6, 1920, it is determined that “sociology and practical social policy” will become one of the courses taught.
1920 Series Sociološka biblioteka /Sociological Edition/ is established.
1919/1920 Sociology becomes a mandatory course at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb.
1919 Chair in Criminology and Sociology changes the name into Chair in Sociology. Sociology by Rudolf Eisler was translated into Croatian as the first sociology textbook.
1919 Sociological Society in Zagreb publishes its Constitution, along with the goals, and scope of work of the Society that were authored by Albert Bazala in the Newsletter of the Sociological Society in Zagreb that has been published as a feuilleton in theYugoslav Acres /Jugoslavska njiva/.
1918 Sociological Society is legally registered in Zagreb, and its role is “to nourish social sciences, study social and economic circumstances of our people, and on the basis of such research, act with the aim of educating the public, providing moral cultivation, and working in the area of social and political issues.” The first president of the Society was Adolf Mihalić, Vice-president Albert Bazala, general secretary Juraj Andrassy, while the treasurer was Juraj Tomičić.
1914 On the premises of the Art Pavilion in Zagreb, in the organization of the yet unregistered Sociological Society in Zagreb, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Hygiene, a promotion exhibition devoted to the fight against alcoholism and tuberculosis opened (prior to that, Ernest Miler had already organized one exhibition on crime).
1912 Vilko Anderlić writes the first textbook on Catholic sociology entitled Sociology /Socijologija/, published by the Archbishops Office in Đakovo.
1910 Juraj Tomičić authors the first introduction to sociology in Croatian language entitled Basics of Sociology /Počela sociologije/ published by the Club of the chamber of trades and crafts /Pristava trgovačko-obrtničke komore/.
1909 Ante Biankini, physician and politician, publishes the book Criminal Sociology /Kriminalna sociologija/ that was about Croatian immigrants.
1906 Ernest Miler (1866-1928) becomes a Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb, which makes him the first sociology professor at the University of Zagreb. This is the same year in which the Chair in Criminology and Sociology was established at the Faculty of Law, first of its kind in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.
1888 Baltazar Bogišić becomes the first president of the newly founded International Institute of Sociology, precursor to the International Sociological Association.
1874 Baltazar Bogišić conducts a grand survey for the book Almanac of current legal practice among Eastern Slavs /Zbornik sadašnjih pravnih običaja kod Južnih Slavena/ (1873), published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb in 1874. In doing so, he was the first one to develop and implement social research methods, namely participant observation, statistical methods, comparative method, and the method of archival research.