
Branch office in Zadar

The Zadar branch of the Croatian Sociological Society has been operating since the spring of 2009 when it was established due to the need for greater professional presence of sociology in the public space of the Zadar region, but also expanding thematic and collaborative fields of the entire sociological profession in Croatia. In addition, the Branch pays special attention to inter-institutional cooperation, especially of younger researchers, but also international cooperation with renowned professors. In its work, the Branch is open to interdisciplinary areas, in order to profile and strengthen the sociological interests of the membership, which consists of employees and students of the Department of Sociology, University of Zadar, high school professors and graduate sociologists. All basic activities, such as public lectures, circles, book presentations, forums and debates, are open to the general public and covered in local and national media.

Branch manager

Dr. sc. Marija Šarić

Department of Sociology
University of Zadar
Coast of King Petar Krešimir IV / 2
23000 Zadar



Branch office in Osijek

The Osijek branch of the Croatian Sociological Society has been operating since May 2019. It was founded less than two years after starting the study of sociology at the Independent Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek.

The work program of the HSD Branch in Osijek is oriented towards the promotion and development of sociology as a profession and sociologists as employees in the profession, culture, science and education. The general goals of the Osijek Branch program are in line with the goals of the Society, as well as international sociological associations, to initiate activities and gatherings of actors in the field of sociology (meetings, workshops, forums, lectures, collaborations, publishing, research, training, etc.) and enable greater visibility of sociology and the development of professional ethics and responsibilities in the work of sociologists in various fields. The main activities of the Osijek Branch are carried out through three main programs: sociological circles, sociology for all and sociological lectures. All activities are open to the public.

Branch manager Anita Dremel, assistant professor

Department of Sociology

Faculty of Philosophy Osijek
Lorenza Jägera 9
31000 Osijek


Branch office in Split

The Split branch of the Croatian Sociological Society has been operating since 2006, and was established one year after the establishment of the Department of Sociology and the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split. The main goals of the branch are to open the sociological profession to the general public and the profession through presentations, lectures, forums and promotions. Current topics related to theoretical and methodological considerations within sociology, as well as the sociological imagination of the Mediterranean context are affirmed. These activities are carried out through four programs: (1) Sociological talks, (2) Methodological topics, (3) Sociological forum (“outsourced” program) and (4) Promotions.

Branch manager

Dr. sc. Marija Lončar, assistant professor

Department of  Sociology
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split
Poljička cesta 35
21000 Split

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