Pozivamo sve članice i članove Hrvatskog sociološkog društva da prijave svoje sažetke za sudjelovanje na 5. Forumu sociologije u organizaciji Međunarodne sociološke asocijacije (ISA), koji će se održati u Rabat-u, Maroko, od 6. do 11. srpnja 2025. Ovaj prestižni događaj okuplja vodeće svjetske sociologe, pružajući priliku za razmjenu ideja i sudjelovanje u više od 1.200 sesija.
Pratite nas i putem Facebook i LinkedIn profila. Donosimo vijest u prilogu.
This is a kindly reminder that there are only 18 days left to submit your abstract for the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology, which will take place in Rabat, Morocco, from July 6 to 11, 2025. The submission deadline is October 15, 2024 (24:00 UTC), with no extensions!
We appreciate your support in disseminating the call and look forward to your participation. Do not miss the unique opportunity to join us at the #ISAforum25. In this on-site-only event, you can engage in dynamic and meaningful discussions across more than 1,200 sessions at the Faculty of Education, Mohammed V University. To learn more about the venue, click here and review the Call for Abstracts and deadlines here. Remember, you can send up to two proposals for different sessions.
Also, please remember that the following calls are open:
· Call for Integrative Sessions (closes on October 1, 2024).
· Call for Professional Development Sessions (closes on October 1, 2024).
· Call for Films (Submission opens on November 11, 2024).
· Call for Ph.D. Lab, in Rabat, Morocco, the week before the Forum (closes on November 15, 2024)
To learn more about the venue, click here and review the Call for Abstracts and deadlines here. Remember, you can send up to two proposals for different sessions.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to advancing sociological research. We look forward to seeing your contributions at the Forum!